"When the 1st European Workshop on Movement Science (EWOMS) was planned for Münster /Germany, the idea was to create a place where movement scientists from different disciplines meet in order to exchange ideas about their understanding of human movement and its environmental interactions in all its manifestations. Already at the start of EWOMS in 2003 in Münster, Germany (see Verwey & Schöllhorn, 2004), the series has been successful in attracting scientists from all over the world who are interested, and even dedicated, to the study of movement in humans and animals. The aims of EWOMS are still attracting scientists using a program consisting of cutting-edge keynotes, posters and specialized mini-symposia. As reflected in the name, EWOMS has a European flavour in that the workshops are being held in Europe. After Münster we had a very successful 2nd workshop at the Veterinary University in Vienna, Austria in 2005 (Verwey, Schöllhorn, & Peham, 2007). The 3rd EWOMS took place in Amsterdam in connection with the 25th anniversary of the Human Movement Science journal and attracted again numerous scientists from all over the world."
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